Thursday, July 31, 2014

Silver Spring Transit Center: the Great American Ripoff

update, 9/3/14:
update, 8/31/14:

The Silver Spring Transit Center = the Great American Ripoff

It's not a fairy tale. The Great American Ripoff is crony capitalsim
a.k.a. public private partnership
a.k.a. the Silver Spring Transit Center
53% federal funding--that's YOU, taxpayers. from sea to shining sea. Montgomery Co. MD is into YOUR pocket: California, Montana, Alaska, etc.--ALL 50 states. YOU are paying for inflated contracts (political "contribution$" have to come from somewhere) that Montgomery Co. MD politicians give to their political cronies.
$130+ million for a LEMON transit center that Montgomery County MD has the nerve to charge American taxpayers to "fix". never mind that taxpayers are paying inflated prices for a brand new, UNFLAWED transit center, NOT for a flawed LEMON.
Don't expect to hear about the Silver Spring Transit Center/Great American Ripoff from news media. They're too busy reporting weather hour by hour, social media trends, self-promotion ("we report 'in-depth' and ask 'probing questions'", which CLEARLY the news media DON'T) and other non-news nonsense. 

What news media haven't reported is the rest of the iceberg.

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